
How Technology is Cultivating a Safer Environment for Students and Staff.

Feb 9, 2023  •  6min read

There’s never been a greater need for the provision of a safe and secure learning environment for students and educational staff, and safety starts with an intelligent surveillance system. Advanced technology and Deep Learning Analytics are bringing this goal several steps closer, with features including intruder detection, corridor analysis, licence plate recognition, and antisocial behaviour detection. Concept Pro’s innovative tool suite ensures our educational centres can be safe spaces in the truest sense.

An effective security system, utilising the latest in advanced AI, is crucial for managing the safety of staff and students. The possibilities are limitless, but in addition to the obvious benefits of intruder and vehicle detection, an effective surveillance solution can also expose people entering the premises with a fever, detect fallen persons, or spot students in corridors when they should be in class. Antisocial behaviour, vandalism and bullying can be caught early before it escalates, reducing the need for staff patrols and allowing teachers to concentrate on teaching, while visitors can be monitored from the point of entry to exit, ensuring proper conduct is being observed, and incidents satisfactorily resolved.

  • What Deep Learning Analytics can Teach the Educational Establishment

Fast, comprehensive, with footage instantly accessed and sharable, Concept Pro’s systems provide surveillance night and day, instilling trust and confidence. Proactive monitoring using advanced analytics, including facial recognition and behavioural detection technology, removes the need to spend hundreds of hours poring through video footage. Known criminals will instantly alert your security team and / or the authorities, while behavioural analysis can be utilised to look for anti-social activities.

Overall safety can also be enhanced by monitoring footfall levels to avoid bottlenecks on premises, spot areas where student crowds may become hazardous, while optimal student evacuation routes can be identified.


  • The Streamlined Concept Pro App

Available on both iOS and Android, Concept Pro’s user-friendly app allows staff to keep 24/7 tabs on educational premises, in real time, with footage easily saved and shared via a fully-hosted cloud-based storage system. Live 4K resolution footage including audio can be scrutinised, with push notifications to alert the appropriate teams of security events. Concept Pro’s systems are designed for ease of use, allowing users, whether security staff or teachers, access to footage in a straightforward manner, leading to speedy incident resolution.


What Deep Learning Analytics can Teach the Educational Establishment

Fast, comprehensive, with footage instantly accessed and sharable, Concept Pro’s systems provide surveillance night and day, instilling trust and confidence. Proactive monitoring using advanced analytics, including facial recognition and behavioural detection technology, removes the need to spend hundreds of hours poring through video footage. Known criminals will instantly alert your security team and / or the authorities, while behavioural analysis can be utilised to look for anti-social activities.

Overall safety can also be enhanced by monitoring footfall levels to avoid bottlenecks on premises, spot areas where student crowds may become hazardous, while optimal student evacuation routes can be identified.

Speedy Resolution of Incidents

A common problem in learning centres involves inter-pupil, or more rarely, staff-pupil accusations of misconduct, which can be quickly resolved with evidence provided by a comprehensive surveillance system, allowing for the rapid consultation of high-resolution video data to support or disprove allegations in disciplinary investigations.


As a head teacher who’s not particularly tech-savvy, being able to easily view footage without having to call the IT department has been a Godsend.


Concept Pro’s Head of Product Development, JP, explains how algorithms are being customized to overcome those challenges specific to the education sector.

“Education is a particularly sensitive sector, and keeping staff and students safe is the most important principle underpinning a good security system. Events in the USA and elsewhere show how crucial this is, but surveillance provides more than just an early warning for intruders or acts of criminality. It can reduce bullying, encourage responsible behaviour, and improve staff efficiency. Claims can be swiftly investigated and resolved, and parents can have peace of mind, knowing their children are able to go about their studies in a safe learning environment. We also know that budgets in this sector can be tight, so Concept Pro have a range of recorders to suit all needs, with customisable features so you only need pay for the features you use.

Leaders in education have an unambiguous responsibility to ensure the safety of their staff and students. An advanced, all-encompassing system such as Concept Pro’s is exactly what’re required to achieve this, easing the need for staff to patrol, and promoting responsible student behaviour, allowing teachers to focus on what they do best – teaching.”

What Can Concept Pro Deep Learning Plus Analytics Do For Me?

With Deep Learning Plus algorithms you can unlock the true potential of a fully-integrated CCTV solution. With features such as face and mask detection, facial recognition, people counting, thermal human detection, PPE safety detection, license plate recognition, enhanced vehicle detection, active privacy masking, fallen persons, behavioural patterns and more. In fact there’s almost nothing Deep Learning Plus can’t do. Concept Pro’s industry-leading software has a comprehensive list of human and vehicle detection algorithms, perfect for false alarm filtering. But it’s designed to solve a multitude of education sector challenges that go far beyond just false alarm filtering and human detection, its potential is limited by the imagination alone.

Our advanced suite of algorithms can be fully customized to suit your needs – for more information click here.

Interested in Customizing your rules – here’s how the process works

We caught up with Debbie Carter, Business Development Manager at Concept Pro, to understand how the process works for customizing algorithms for education solutions.

Firstly, we hold a consultation meeting with new clients which can be face-to-face at Concept Pro locations across the UK, at your premises, or an end user venue. This is our opportunity to collectively develop a brief, based upon the specific project challenges and our identified solutions. Once we have fully scoped the project, we create a timeline that factors in each key development stage, including regular check-ins, itemized costings, and key stakeholder involvement. After each element of the plan is approved, by both integrator and end user, we move onto the development itself. Then we go through an in-depth testing process, something Concept Pro takes incredibly seriously and does diligently to ensure the very highest standards are met. Testing takes time, but our customers are updated regularly through project update meetings, and is determined by the complexities of the request. Concept Pro’s testing procedure is a carefully selected blend of internal testing at CP headquarters, and once approved by a CP technical expert, moves onto onsite testing, which will always involve a real end-user environment. Or if this isn’t possible, a proof-of-concept environment. Here is where we invite the integrator and end user to witness and sometimes participate in the real environment test. Once all stakeholders are happy we then release to the customer.”

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