1.02: Network Security Firmware Updates

min read

We have seen an increase in malware attacks and breaches on networked devices. These attacks expose units with weak network security implemented. To help protect our customers we have developed firmware with increased security controls for older Concept Pro devices.

Malware attacks often start with use of brute force software to breach units. CCTV Recorders which have been configured for external internet access and have been set up with weak passwords are often exposed to this type of attack.

To help protect against this type of attack we have developed firmware that adds the following security protocols for older recorders, the latest product ranges from Concept Pro already have these measures as standard.

• Secure passwords must be used at point of set up
• Rate control to prevent multiple login attempts. After X number of failed attempts, the unit will
prevent any further log in attempts for X time
• Update software libraries
• Auto port forwarding off by default

This update is being developed for the following Concept Pro recorder ranges.
• VXH5AHD Range
• VXHAHD Range
• VHDIP-V2 range

These controls are already implemented on new Concept Pro devices and is therefore only applicable to the above ranges.

If you think you could benefit from the latest firmware to protect against potential malware attacks, please contact your Concept Pro installer. If you are an approved Concept Pro installer then please the Videcon technical support team.

Concept Pro is committed to providing market leading cyber security measures. For more information, please download the enhanced password guide which provides an overview of the security features on our latest Concept Pro recorders.

Enhanced Password Guide Document

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